Thursday, August 24, 2006


ABC Rural News

Satellite brings broadband to remote areas
Thursday, 24/08/2006
The Federal Government has announced a deal to give remote communities full access to broadband Internet services.
Rural users will have access to the world's first purpose-built communications satellite, which has been launched by a company based in Thailand.
The Government will also offer subsidised services as part of an $876 million package linked to the Broadband Connect program, to keep costs similar to those of city services.
IT consultant Peter Saville says the satellite will give also remote areas cheaper phone calls and video conferencing.
"What this satellite system is going to do is provide a service to those people who can't get any form of broadband or high speed Internet access and open up a few other areas like voiceover IP," he said.
"But the big thing that this is going to open it up for is video on demand and video conferencing as well as the ability to open it up for educational and training purposes."

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