Saturday, December 16, 2006


Broadband fast churn

According to, which is the foremost authority on broadband issues around Australia, there will be a new single-user churn process to switch between DSLAMs is expected to be available early next year, however, Australia's largest retail ISP BigPond has decided not to participate. It should be pointed out that Bigpond is the retail ISP wing of Telstra, the company which also provides wholesale ISP products to many retail ISP's around the country.

For a few years now, Internet broadband users have been able to switch between Telstra Wholesale Internet based ADSL providers with little cost and downtime using rapid transfer (or "fast churn"). Th However, many ISP's have chosen to invest in their own infrastructure and install their own DSLAMs, which are telehoused in the exchange or near by. With these DSLAMs in place it has made the process of changing ISP's a lot more complicated.

Say if I changed from Bigpond ADSL to to an isp that owned its own DSLAM in my area. I would be required to disconnect my service with the old provider completely and then reconnect with the new ISP. Having to pay possibly a disconnect fee from the old ISP, a reconnect fee for the new one and I would not have broadband from anywhere to 14 days. However, an Australian has released details fo a new scheme that will allow quick churns between ISP's on different DSLAM's and that ISPs will be able to utilise a "single service transfer" in late January. It should be pointed out that it is the ISP, not the DSLAM owner that needs to participate. So whilst BigPond can choose not to participate but that doesn't prevent a user utlising an ISP on a wholesale Telstra DSL service from be able to switch across to other ISPs.

It should be pointed out that bigpond will continue to participate in the old Telstra operated rapid transfer process.

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